
Monday , 05 July 2021
Announcement for fake news regarding of the suspension of ELLINAIR
The recent posts about the suspension of operation of ELLINAIR are fake. The sources of those posts are either fake or incorrect.

Tuesday , 01 June 2021
Announcement: Changes in flights from/to Ukraine
We would like to inform you that the following flights will be operated by UKRAINE INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES...

Tuesday , 03 November 2020
Temporary flights suspension to and from Makedonia airport of Thessaloniki from 03/11/2020 until 17/11/2020
Ellinair informs its passengers about the temporary flights suspension to and from Makedonia airport from 03/11/2020 to 17/11/2020 due to the newly implemented restrictions for travel movements to...

Thursday , 08 October 2020
Announcement: replacement of the reservation and passenger service system (PSS)

Wednesday , 12 August 2020
Τemporary transfer of check-in services to the new terminal of Makedonia airport
Check in desks are now accessible via airport entrance T2 at the new terminal area of Makedonia Airport in Thessaloniki.

Tuesday , 26 May 2020
Ellinair: First Summer flights after Covid-19
Ellinair is ready to fly in the post-Covid-19 era and announces the gradual resumption of its flight program.

Wednesday , 18 March 2020
Coronavirus: Information on rebooking options
Fly confidently, fly safe Ellinair continues to comply fully with WHO, national Government guidance and travel bans. The situation is changing on a daily basis, and all passengers on flights affected...

Tuesday , 17 March 2020
Temporary suspension of flight schedule
Ellinair today (Tues 17 Mar) announces the temporary suspension of its flight schedule in sections, following the events of the Covid-19 outbreak which are continuous and mandatory.

Friday , 28 February 2020
Ellinair: Highly commended distinction of the “Fastest Growing Airline/ Domestic (based on scheduled passenger traffic)” by AIA
Ellinair was awarded with the highly commended distinction of the “Fastest Growing Airline/ Domestic (based on scheduled passenger traffic)” by AIA
Friday , 07 February 2020
New aircraft addition/ Strategic Growth
Ellinair has taken delivery of an Airbus A320 on lease from Carlyle Aviation as part of a change of strategy which relies on taking in house the majority of flying activities.

Wednesday , 27 November 2019
Attention: Meal at Ellinair flights
Starting from 15/01/2020, on all flights of Ellinair with a flight duration of up to 5 hours, the provision of food and wine will be canceled.