Quality and Environment Policy
For Ellinair Airlines S.A. the provision of high-quality services and the protection of the environment are a direct priority. For this purpose, the company has developed and applies a Combined System of Quality and Environment Management according to international standards ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015. The company's Top Management is committed to maintaining and continuously improving the existing system, as well as reviewing the present policy that sets the objectives and frames the operation of the Organization.
In order for the basic corporate goals for a safe, pleasant and timely departure flight to be ensured, Top Management is committed to:
- Fully comply with the legislative and regulatory requirements governing operation and monitor the issuance of new ones.
- To maintain a competent and well-trained staff by implementing a regular training program.
- Apply a rigorous maintenance program to the fleet and its infrastructure, as well as to monitor its strict implementation.
- Perform regular internal audits.
- To monitor, control and evaluate its subcontractors and partners.
- Ensure the hygiene of the aircraft environment, and in particular the food and drink provided to passengers.
The environmental management system implemented by the company is the result of our environmental awareness. For this reason, Ellinair Airlines S.A. always acts on the basis of legislative and regulatory commitments on environmental issues and ensures that the parties involved in its operation implement practices that ensure the protection of the environment. More specifically, Top Management commits that:
- Management and all employees of the company will take environmental considerations into account in planning of work and before making decisions.
- Continually assess the risk by identifying and prioritizing the threats and opportunities that may arise in the course of activities and may concern issues of Quality and / or Environment.
- Provide all necessary resources to ensure the company's unhindered, efficient, and environmentally friendly operation.
- Workers will be trained to implement good practices that ensure the environment.
Ellinair Airlines S.A. will set goals and monitor their performance,in order to achieve all of the above. We will always work to improve our services and the protection of the environment will always be our priority.