Travel information

Travel Documents
For domestic flights or flights within EU borders:Greek and any other EU country adult citizens: Greek identity card...READ MORE

Baggage & Handbag
Baggage delivered at check – in point includes necessary personal items for trip. However, the following should...READ MORE

Special Baggage
For carriage of such items to be approved, the passenger must communicate in advance of the journey with the Reservations...READ MORE

Unaccompanied Children Service
Children aged 5-12 years old can travel with safety unaccompanied without a parent or a guardian under the supervision....READ MORE

Travelling with Infant
Infant is considered a child up to two years old. The transfer of infants should always be accompanied by an adult over 18 years...READ MORE

Passengers with Special Needs
The staff of Ellinair is willing to serve you and provide you with any assistance you may need before and during your trip...READ MORE

Travelling with Pets
Passengers are allowed to travel with their pets in all Ellinair flights. When you are making your reservation you should inform our staff ....READ MORE